Thursday, 2 March 2017

Teddy Bear Guinea Pig Hair Features and Grooming Guide

Teddy Bear GuineaPigs are best known for their plush or harsh dense coat. Teddy Bear owners looking to show should pay particular attention to coats that are dense especially along the crown or back. The belly should have Tight C shaped curls being that good belly curl is important. A definitive wave should also be over the rest of the coat, as distinct ripples. The coat length should be no longer than ¾” and even throughout.

Hair growth goes thru many stages during the first six months. When looking at babies, you will want to see lots of hair and very little skin, as this is called hair density. The Teddy Bear will then go through a “fluffy stage” and then an “ugly stage” which lasts up to 12 weeks. From that point, the adult texture and density sets in between 5 and 6 months. Knowing how old and what stage the Guinea Pig is in will help determine the quality of the Teddy Bear Guinea Pig.

Caring for the coat, ears, and feet of your Teddy Bear Guinea Pig is extremely important for their health and happiness.

A Teddy Bear Guinea Pig coat can be described as a short, wiry, and kinky. The hair often sticks out from the body and has a plush feel.  Grooming is accomplished by rubbing the hair backward from the rump to the head. You will want to do this once a week.  Deep cleaning with brushes and combs will need to be done from time to time.  While you can give your Teddy Bear a bath, be sure to use special medicated shampoo for their dry skin, and do not bathe them more than 3 times a year.

Adding unshelled sunflower seeds twice a week adds an oil source to their diets, which may effectively reduce the dry skin issue.

Due to the fact that Teddy Bear Guinea Pigs are prone to ear wax build up, it is important to clean the ears properly and frequently. This can be accomplished with a warm, damp washcloth. Do not drip water down into their ears. This could lead to infection. Simply wipe inside the ear to loosen the wax and remove it. If the wax cannot be removed this way, use mineral oil on your cloth, and this will help with the removal. Sometimes the Guinea Pig will screech, because he does not like having this done, it is not usual, but be sure to be gentle when cleaning.

Since the Teddy Bear Guinea Pig’s hair is not long like a Silkie, there is no need to trim the hair.

Clipping toenails is important to keep your Teddy Bear Guinea Pig happy. When trimming, use small scissors specifically designed for trimming nails on small animals. Avoid cutting too far back into the quick. If you do clip into the quick a stypic pencil will stop the bleeding. Have a friend who owns Guinea Pigs show you how to properly cut the nail your first time.

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